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$400,000 OHIP Thief Sentenced to Jail

Stolen OHIP money paid for trips, surgery, car A Tecumseh, Ont. woman who pleaded guilty to stealing Ontario Health Insurance cheques intended for doctors will serve time in jail. CBCA Tecumseh, Ont., woman who pleaded guilty to stealing more than $400,000 using Ontario Health Insurance Plan cheques intended for doctors will serve time in jail.

Dhaliwal stole more than $400,000 when she worked at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital in Windsor, where she filed claims on behalf of physicians.

The judge also ordered Dhaliwal to pay $322,284.52 in restitution to Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada, a provider of healthcare liability insurance, and $49,005.63 to the Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital, to be held in trust for three doctors.

"Ultimately, a message needs to be sent to like-minded individuals that they cannot help themselves to public coffers. I thought his decision was very sound and sent the message it needed to send," Holmes said. "Miss Dhaliwal brought this on herself."

Dhaliwal told court in September she was terrified of prison and didn't want to be separated from her children or 57-year-old father with a bad back and her 65-year-old mother with poor eyesight.

"We in the justice business take no pleasure in separating children from their families and their mother. The bottom line was ... some things you just can’t do. No matter how sorry we feel for people personally, we have to uphold the law as it exists," Holmes said.

Dhaliwal's crime seemed simple enough. When OHIP sent the cheques to the hospital, the 40-year-old was supposed to mail them to the doctors for whom they were intended.

Dhaliwal, who was making $50,000 per year at the time of the crimes, claims she committed the crimes to give her children everything they wanted.

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